Partonomy list P4, primary language: EN, subsidiary: LA, interface: EN, work in progress

azygos vein

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Top level cardiovascular system Short Extended
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Current level azygos vein
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short English equivalent
Short official Latin term
4838 4666 tax
azygos vein
vena azygos
13114 4667 tax
arch of azygos vein
arcus venae azygos
4877 4668 tax
first right superior intercostal vein
vena intercostalis superior dextra prima
4880 15370 tax
second right posterior intercostal vein
vena intercostalis posterior dextra secunda
4879 15371 tax
third right posterior intercostal vein
vena intercostalis posterior dextra tertia
5011 4670 tax
accessory hemiazygos vein ; superior hemiazygos vein
vena hemiazygos accessoria
4503 tax
left supreme intercostal vein ; left first posterior intercostal vein
vena intercostalis suprema sinistra ; vena intercostalis sinistra
4799 15380 tax
second left posterior intercostal vein
vena intercostalis posterior sinistra secunda
4800 15381 tax
pedal vein
vena intercostalis posterior sinistra tertia
5004 15372 tax
fourth left posterior intercostal vein
vena intercostalis posterior sinistra quarta
4997 15373 tax
fifth left posterior intercostal vein
vena intercostalis posterior sinistra quinta
4990 15374 tax
sixth left posterior intercostal vein
vena intercostalis posterior sinistra sexta
4983 15375 tax
seventh left posterior intercostal vein
vena intercostalis posterior sinistra septima
4976 15376 tax
eighth left posterior intercostal vein
vena intercostalis posterior sinistra octava
15392 tax
left oesophageal veins
venae oesophageae sinistrae ; venae oesophageae sinistrae
4837 15445 tax
left bronchial veins
venae bronchiales sinistrae
15446 tax
left pericardial veins
venae pericardiacae sinistrae
15447 tax
left mediastinal veins
venae mediastinales sinistrae
15448 tax
left superior phrenic vein
vena phrenica superior sinistra
4944 4669 tax
hemiazygos vein ; inferior hemiazygos vein
vena hemiazygos
4969 15377 tax
ninth left posterior intercostal vein
vena intercostalis posterior sinistra nona
4962 15378 tax
tenth left posterior intercostal vein
vena intercostalis posterior sinistra decima
4949 15379 tax
eleventh left posterior intercostal vein
vena intercostalis posterior sinistra undecima
4951 15444 tax
left subcostal vein
vena subcostalis sinistra
4950 15442 tax
left ascending lumbar vein
vena lumbalis ascendens sinistra
15443 tax
left lumbar veins
venae lumbales sinistrae
15377 15436 tax
first left lumbar vein
vena lumbalis sinistra prima
15379 15437 tax
second left lumbar vein
vena lumbalis sinistra secunda
15380 15434 tax
third left lumbar vein
vena lumbalis sinistra tertia
15382 15435 tax
fourth left lumbar vein
vena lumbalis sinistra quarta
18902 4746 tax
iliolumbar vein ; fifth lumbar vein
vena iliolumbalis ; vena lumbalis quinta
15395 tax
(lumbar communicating vein )
(vena communicans lumbalis )
4671 tax
right oesophageal veins
venae oesophageae dextrae ; venae oesophageae dextrae
4942 4672 tax
right bronchial veins
venae bronchiales dextrae
4673 tax
right pericardial veins
venae pericardiacae dextrae
4674 tax
right mediastinal veins
venae mediastinales dextrae
4675 tax
right superior phrenic vein
vena phrenica superior dextra
4858 4679 tax
right posterior intercostal veins
venae intercostales posteriores dextrae
4877 4668 tax
first right superior intercostal vein
vena intercostalis superior dextra prima
4880 15370 tax
second right posterior intercostal vein
vena intercostalis posterior dextra secunda
4879 15371 tax
third right posterior intercostal vein
vena intercostalis posterior dextra tertia
4878 15362 tax
fourth right posterior intercostal vein
vena intercostalis posterior dextra quarta
4876 15363 tax
fifth right posterior intercostal vein
vena intercostalis posterior dextra quinta
4875 15364 tax
sixth right posterior intercostal vein
vena intercostalis posterior dextra sexta
4874 15365 tax
seventh right posterior intercostal vein
vena intercostalis posterior dextra septima
4873 15366 tax
eighth right posterior intercostal vein
vena intercostalis posterior dextra octava
4872 15367 tax
ninth right posterior intercostal vein
vena intercostalis posterior dextra nona
4860 15368 tax
tenth right posterior intercostal vein
vena intercostalis posterior dextra decima
4859 15369 tax
eleventh right posterior intercostal vein
vena intercostalis posterior dextra undecima
12845 4678 tax
right subcostal vein
vena subcostalis dextra
4843 4676 tax
right ascending lumbar vein
vena lumbalis ascendens dextra
4677 tax
right lumbar veins
venae lumbales dextrae
15357 tax
first right lumbar vein
vena lumbalis dextra prima
15378 15433 tax
second right lumbar vein
vena lumbalis dextra secunda
15380 15434 tax
third left lumbar vein
vena lumbalis sinistra tertia
15382 15435 tax
fourth left lumbar vein
vena lumbalis sinistra quarta
18902 4746 tax
iliolumbar vein ; fifth lumbar vein
vena iliolumbalis ; vena lumbalis quinta
15525 tax
cavocaval anastomoses
anastomoses cavocavales
15526 tax
subcutaneous cavocaval anastomosis
anastomosis cavocavalis subcutanea
44318 4780 tax
superficial epigastric vein
vena epigastrica superficialis
70900 4703 tax
thoracoepigastric veins
venae thoracoepigastricae
15527 tax
muscular cavocaval anastomosis
anastomosis cavocavalis muscularis
21162 4772 tax
inferior epigastric vein
vena epigastrica inferior
4731 4499 tax
superior epigastric veins
venae epigastricae superiores
15528 tax
retroperitoneal cavocaval anastomosis
anastomosis cavocavalis retroperitonealis
15370 4729 tax
venae lumbales
12858 4730 tax
ascending lumbar vein
vena lumbalis ascendens
15529 tax
vertebral cavocaval anastomosis
anastomosis cavocavalis vertebralis
18935 9072 tax
vertebral venous plexuses
plexus venosi vertebrales
9680 777 tax
vertebral canal
canalis vertebralis
70 lines
75.7 %
77.1 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
The Vena intercostalis suprema drains blood from the first intercostal space to the brachiocephalic vein on both sides.
The pattern of tributaries to the azygos vein is highly variable (Luzsa G 1972 Röntgenanatomie des Gefäßsystems. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest; Rickenbacher et al. 1982 von Lanz/Wa\chsmuth Rücken. Springer, Berlin).
The right superior intercostal vein drains the second and third (and fourth) right posterior intercostal veins to the azygos vein.
Usually, the Vena hemiazygos receives the left 9th-11th posterior intercostal veins. In TA2, they are grouped together as Venae intercostales posteriores sinistrae inferiores.
Highly variable, may even drain to the left brachiocephalic vein; usually, it receives the left 4th -8th posterior intercostal veins. In TA2, its tributaries are grouped together as Venae intercostales posteriores sinistrae mediae.
According to NA3/4 and other sources, the first and second right lumbar veins drain to the Vena lumbalis ascendens dextra, the third and fourth to the inferior vena cava, and the fifth, synonym for the Vena iliolumbalis dextra, to the right common iliac vein. These are replaced to their proper place.
According to NA3/4 and other sources, the first and second left lumbar veins drain to the Vena lumbalis ascendens sinistra, the third and fourth to the inferior vena cava, and the fifth, synonym for the Vena iliolumbalis sinistra, to the left common iliac vein. These are replaced to their proper place.
Under pathological conditions, such as hypertension in one of the venae cavae, anastomoses cavocavales ( venovenous ‘bypasses’) open to relieve hypertension. The following groups can be distinguished (Luzsa G 1972 Röntgenanatomie des Gefäßsystems. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest; Kachlik et al. 2021 Bosn J Basic Med Sci 21:208-220).
Between tributaries of the superficial epigastric veins and those of the thoracoepigastiv veins within the subcutaneous layer of the anterolateral body wall.
Between tributaries of the inferior epigastric veins and those of the superior epigastric veins within the rectus abdominis muscle.
Between tributaries of the lumbar veins and those of the ascending lumbar veins draining into the azygos and hemiazygos veins
Between tributaries of the vertebral venous plexuses, extending along the vertebral column and within the vertebral canal.
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 4666
Number of children 69 (validated)
Number of units 70 (validated)
Signature 3305 (validated since 20.1.2025)
Date: 24.01.2025